Tuesday, November 29, 2011

TO someone

why do you chose me? i'm not pretty or intelligent or even tall enough. you're good and hardworking. you deserve a better one. and i might be stop working on this week or the middle of December. so... wish you could   find someone better than me. by the way, i'm just a 15 years old girl. hope you understand.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Effing dilemma.

我好烦、好困扰哦! 我真的不懂该怎么做选择。我想换工,可是。。。却被人利用无辜的眼神给留住,真的不晓得该怎么样! 该做下去还是换工呢? 如果他给我的工钱再高点的话,或许我会选择做下去,但是。。。唉! 我答应了人家啊!!! 我问她 "你真的要我继续做?"。 她回答 "我要你在这个工厂做,等到开学才走"。问题是,工钱太少,不够我花,而且还很多工、很辛苦。我有好多东西要买叻~~~ 啊!!! 我快死了啦! 但说真的,在那边的日子一天比一天更好过、更开心、更有趣、更好玩! 时间,让我考虑考虑吧! 也许我该听听别人的意见呢!

Monday, November 21, 2011

孩子 | 父母

3岁时说 "妈妈,我爱你" 。
10岁时说 "妈,我听你的" 。
16岁时说 "我妈真的很烦" 。
18岁时说 "想要离开这个家" 。
25岁时说 "妈,你当时是对的" 。
30岁时说 "我想要去我妈家" 。
50岁时说 "我不想失去我妈" 。
70岁时说"只要我妈还在,我愿意为了她放弃一切" 。

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bad hair cut.

I just got my hair cut yesterday. nice? too short? but I don't like it, honestly.

nae. just joking.


that's me!

this is my bro's drawing. He wants to be a muscle man. haha!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tired job.

Hey, everybody!

I found a job. a super duper tired job.

but it's quite fun and tough.

come and wok with me if you don't mind.

*don't forget, this is my first time!

Monday, November 14, 2011

$_$ I NEED MONEY $_$


And yes!

我要钱!!! 我要赚钱!!! 所以我要打工!!! 


其实。。。 工是找到了。但是。。。就是没人载!
真羡慕那些能到附近 (步行而不用汽车) 打工的学生。。。
我真够超级惨~~~ *头猛撞桌子*

我看啊,"打工+赚钱" 这个假期作业是不会达成了。。。

他们,真是一群没用的家伙! 一点忙都帮不上!
搞什么啊?! 真是的!

I cross my heart, 我不会再靠别人了,我要靠自己!



3 easiest way to die.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy 11.11.11 !!!

Happy 11.11.11 !!!

Make it memorable!

And yes, it does. for me.

Thanks for YEEMUN for being such a good listener and always support and stand by my side.

You gave me a lot of courage to face the things I've always wanted to escape.

I'd owed you too much...And I got no idea how to pay you back.

Anyway, I'm so glad that my life have YOU.

love you always! you are my best friend forever.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm a emotional bullshit!

I am a emotional bullshit!

" Do I need you to solve the mysteries of life? Do I need your guidance and your get away? Slap me in the face one more time! I'm here to prove to you I'm worth more than your damn existance. Quote me one day, prove of your scandal. My anger derives from the bullshit you bring into my life. I'm stronger and better than you will ever be. You look at me and you see nothing, but when i see myself, i see a sky, a river, an ocean, a volcano. I will show you who I am, one day! "

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Birthday, my beloved sister!

Happyyyy Birthdayyyy to you, my beloved sister! You're gorgeous, awesome and adorable! You are also the cutest sister i ever met. Even though you would be so CRUEL and ANNOYING sometimes, but i still loves you as much as mom and dad did. You are the one who i can trust the most. And that's why you had chosen to be my listener. haha! By the way, I LOVE YOU, sa po! Wish you all the best for your SPM and get what you wish for! 

 :)) a big smile for you!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

100 posts!

I never thought I’d reach 100 posts, but I’ve done it. It may not seem like a lot to a few other bloggers. I know who have probably reached about 1000 posts by now, but, for me, this is a huge accomplishment. This blog site is actually my first. I’ve never really been a blogger, owning resource sites in the past but never really writing. I’m glad my first one turned out so well. I’d never seen myself as much of a writer, but over the past year or so I’d found myself enjoying it. I love talking and all, but, for some reason, I find it much easier to explain my thoughts through writing.

Just forget about it.

Forget the times that he walked by.

Forget the times he made you cried.

Forget the times he spoke your name.

Remember-now, you're not the same.

Forget the times he held your hand.

Forget the sweet things if you can.

Forget the times, and don't pretend.

Remember now, he's just your friend.

but he's not anymore.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Message from your teacher.

Dear student,

    I see that you are tired. I tell you, drop your books and rest for a while. Why worry so much about your studies? Smile. Be confident. All you have to do is prepare well and be in school. Then, against the hundred question that tried to destroy you, there I'll stand and rescue you. Just do you best, and I'll take care of the rest.

Your teacher, 


I am stronger because I know my weaknesses.

I am wise because I've been foolish.

I laugh because I've known sadness.